Welcome to Hardcore Magazine the first online magazine devoted to unsigned,indie,punk,gothic,black metal, and, metal bands. This is issue #3 on this site i will provide news,websites,links,pictures,interviews,updates,news, and well as other coo stuff.
Band of the month: Murderdolls www.murderdolls.com
Female band of the month: Alpha Dog http://alphadogwebsite.com/
Link of the day: www.heavycore.org ( a great site on metal music for metalheads)
Local band of the week: The New Blind Nationals http://www.newblindnation.com/nbn/
New band of the month: Cult Of Luna: http://www.cultofluna.com/

I hope you enjoy this Hardcore Magazine. Be sure to send e-mail to let me know what you think (or to contribute articles,interviews,news,links,bands,music artists,new bands,etc to the site). I'll be updating frequently, so check back often!